Navigating the health insurance field these days can be a headache. Reviewing the broad scope of information available can feel like a daunting and impossible task.

How you use Medicare is very specific to you. There’s a lot to think about. You will want to know when to sign up, how to sign up, how much it’s going to cost, and what to know if you are still working.

Here’s a helpful checklist to use as you sign up for Medicare coverage:

  1. Learn about your Enrollment Periods for going on Medicare for the first time:
    • Initial Enrollment Period (IEP)
    • Special Enrollment Period (SEP)
  2. Review Medicare options available to you:
    • Medicare Supplemental Insurance
    • Medicare Advantage Insurance
    • Continue on current employer/group coverage
    • PERS Health Insurance
  3. Learn the Basics of Medicare and Medicare options
  4. Making Changes after you have Enrolled in a Medicare plan:
    • Medicare Annual Enrollment Period (AEP)
    • Medicare Open Enrollment Period (OEP)
  5. Understanding the Medicare Prescription coverage and Coverage Gap (commonly known as the doughnut hole)
  6. Review the advantages and disadvantages of Medicare Supplement plans and Medicare Advantage plans
  7. Steps to Make a Decision: 
    • Review staying on current employer/group insurance
    • Review Medicare retiree plans
    • Review of non-retiree Medicare Plan options
  8. Research and review Doctors and Prescription networks and copayments with Medicare
  9. Enroll in Medicare Part A and Part B
  10. Review Medicare Plan Options in Detail
  11. Finalize your Medicare Enrollment by Enrolling in a Medicare plan

Need help navigating Medicare or have questions? Please contact BK Insurance Services.

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